Our mission is to provide the hungry, homeless and those in peril a place of sanctuary filled with love and the care they need to recover from their past experiences. Unfortunately at present we can only take on the most deserving cases, but with your help we hope to expand this.
Education is the only way out of the absolute poverty these children were born into through no fault of their own. Our newly purpose brick crèche caters for the pre-school age and is used at night as a dormitory, while all children attend school and get extra lessons from both primary and secondary school teachers. Despite their backgrounds we have had students achieve exceptional grades and even win full bursary’s.
Our feeding project aims to provide all children in the area who are starving with at least one nutritious meal a day. With students at local schools actually passing out from hunger, there is a great need to provide food for those that have no means to eat. It is only with your help we can try feed as many as possible, but already we are unable to feed everyone with the supplies and equipment we have at the centre.